Saturday, September 25, 2010

FasTracKids Goals

Prepare children for school and life
Develop creative thinking & problem solving skills
Teach speaking & communication skills
Teach the application and  transfer of knowledge
Promote leadership and personal growth
Encourage a lifelong love of learning

    Wellesley College Research Shows Amazing Results!

    Children from all over the world participating in the FasTracKids program increased both their expressive and receptive vocabularies as well as social skills such as   cooperation, leadership, responsibility, empathy and self-contraol at a rate 150% to 200% faster than their peers not enrolled in FasTracKids. School-aged children in the study improved a minimum of one grade; some as much as two grades.
    "Findings of this study illustrate the important link between FasTracKids curriculum and children's performances in vocabulary and social skills."
    Dr. Georgia Hall
    Wellesly College's National Institute on Out-of-School Time

    FasTracKids now in over 50 countries

    FasTracKids is a unique experience for children and complements preschool, home-school, kindergarden and first grade programs. For 2-hours a week, this fast paced, fun and fully interactive program captivates and entertains as it delivers truly meaningful lessons.